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CRS:Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry_英文缩写




英文缩写 CRS

英文全称 Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry

中文解释 化学反应计量学

缩写分类 化学化工

缩写简介 The web offers free resources related to Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry. Three essential ingredients of CRS:the concept of conservation of types and amounts of atomic species during chemical change; the representation of chemical species by molecular formulas, and a list of the species involved in a system of interest; a simple means of solving the linear equations expressing conservation.

CRS 相关英文缩写

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  • CRS 化学标准品
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  • CRS 计算机储存系统
  • CRS 呼叫再定向服务器
  • CRS 呼叫再定向监视器
  • CRS 呼叫路由选择系统
  • CRS 信元中继业务
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